Tuesday, 19 January 2016

The Lush Boxing Day Haul/FAIL (wordy)

So, like most of you Lushie's out there. The boxing day sale is THE place to be to get all of your favorite seasonal items at half price or better, including some of their awesome gift boxes.
    And like most for the past 3/4 years now it has been a long-standing tradition of mine to treat myself using either Christmas money or my own hard earned December overtime money (if you work in retail over Christmas you'll know what i'm talking about)...i usually hit their website around 8am...or if i have work as i get up and get myself ready i'll load it up...but this year it wouldn't load. The web page had multiple errors... i was putting items in my basked that had been on my favorites for a month or so and they'd disappear right before my eyes... but i gave Lush the benefit of the doubt, Thought to myself "i'm working all day, i'll have another try on my lunch break they usually dont start selling out until the next day or so."
So that's exactly what i did, i took my lunch break around 12, sat in Costa, got myself some lunch on the go, a coffee, sat in the warm and relaxed, loaded up Lush.com to see it was crashed completely...hummm this has never happened before.
   So i went onto their Twitter feed, and saw they had announced technical difficulties but it should be back within a few hours, which was fine, my beloved lush was keeping me up to date, i'd just try again when i got home.
   I got home around 7pm. fired up the P.C...Lush.com... and VOILA!!! it was alive...but had a que system in place... ahh. Well i'll join that and get dinner on... "estimated time 4 hours and 50 min"
   Right then i wanted to face-palm, but by now i'm determined. It's become a past-time, a TRADITION. i will get some things in the lush online sale (i should probably note here there is no lush store within a 40-mile radius of where i live, and i cant drive so i rely on online services and have never ever been failed before, plus i was born in the UK...ques are my life.)
   So...the time passed, by this point i wasn't sure i actually wanted anything that bad anymore but it was out of sheer stubbornness that i was in a que and i was going to make it to the end...and i did... i was exhausted...tired...sleepy and cranky by the time 12 pm rolled around and i finally got in, i added my stuff to my basked and purchased my gift boxes i wanted, as well as my HUGE bottle of snow fairy and a few bath bombs. As far as i was concerned i was lucky i got everything i wanted and more...then at the checkout as payment was processing... the site almost like refreshed and suddenly i was back to square one, no order number, nothing in my basket, no money had come out of my bank, no confirmation e-mail. I took a photo as evidence and tried again but the same thing kept happening.
   I took to twitter to join the other people asking who had similar experiences and i was IGNORED. = STRIKE ONE....yet other people around me were being answered fine... so i e-mailed them and over a week and half passed= STRIKE TWO, and the response e-mail was polite yet completely over-looked my question, my problem and where my items were and if i could still have them even though for whatever reason the website was breaking every time i tried to use it...well by the time they had replied the website was fine again but nothing i had wanted or had ordered was left.
   Their response was "to visit your nearest Lush store to see if any of the items you want are still available" or to "purchase similar items on the website"- which weren't in the sale, nor what i had ordered in the first place so = STRIKE 3.
THEN to add insult to injury, people OUTSIDE OF THE UK were receiving their orders they'd done through the UK website and sharing all of their lovely images on Instagram and twitter... rubbing it in my face. I was not impressed at all. after all these years i was let down and i didn't like it...LUSH, THAT WAS SO NOT COOL. = STRIKE 4.
   So needless to say, Lush and i are in a complicated relationship. My bottle of snow fairy i purchased way before Christmas is dwindling, i have no bath bombs left, no face moisturizer or shaving cream, i even ran out of perfume. But i'm on strike. I am genuinely (and sadly) so un-trusting of their website now. And there seem to be a lot of people in the same situation. Im just going to have to wait until i can travel to my nearest store. But that totally doesn't help the situation with the fact im now sans-lush. POUT.