This is -in comparison- a small business, but run just as efficiently, if not more so, from the beautiful home and office of an amazingly feisty woman named Tori. I've been following her (in a completely non-stalker way) on Facebook for about a year now, after discovering one of her many happy customers posting a picture of their purchase on Instagram and i was jealous. I can safely say it's one of the best companies I've followed and bought form in a long time. There's pretty much CONSTANT customer-company contact, and following her on Facebook and Instagram you also get a brief insight into the hectic life of a self-employed genius and her dog Stormie (who's adorable).
You can see she puts every ounce of effort into running this business and it really pays off, for instance;
Last weekend Sick Plugs ran a "Wet weekend" discount code for 50% off all orders (offer now finished)- after outrage following the horrid images of anti-homeless spikes in
London- Tori put up the code and has donated a large amount of that weekends' profits to homeless charities, not to mention in her home town she already does a lot to help the homeless... that is just one teeny reason she is so epic! Of course i couldn't resist a cheeky 50% off and for a good cause so i bought myself some Pikachu plugs. The arrived within 3 days, perfectly packaged, and it's obvious the Sick Plugs 'Wet Weekend' offer has been popular, with all the awesome images of peoples plugs being shared on Sicks' Instagram and Facebook.
I've been thinking about getting the Pikachu plugs for the past few months and when i did originally go to buy them they were out of stock, but no sad face here! - she kept me up to date on when new stock was arriving which was brilliant, and as Sick usually shares exciting images of their new stock i knew straight away when they were back in! The Pikachu plugs are £6 each and range from 6mm (2g) to 24mm (1").
Another example of how awesome Sick is; Over Easter she got her loyal customers to send in Easter eggs for a local children's hospital, and in return they got a 30% discount code, how freakin' awesome is that!? They regularly run codes, and competitions, also recently started a trend with her Facebook followers of "Guess the plugs" where she posts a photo and you have to guess how many there are to win some! -These are Just a few examples of what this company does on a daily basis so you can see why they're highly recommended by everyone who buys from them.
You can usually find Sick Plugs at most large Tattoo conventions across the UK; the company seems to go hand-in-hand with epic tattooists, as Sick also recently featured exclusive Miss Jo-Black Tattooist artwork on some of her limited edition artist plugs, actually the awesome Miss-Jo done an amazing Moth Tattoo on Tori recently, which i totally nerded-out over as some of my old followers will know a Miss-Jo Black Tattoo is on my
bucket list! Other artists also featured on their plugs are Jenna Kerr and Just Jen Tattooer. All of these exclusive designs are around £5/£6 each and i actually think some are featured in a sale on the Sick Plugs site.
I've featured a few of my favorite plugs below, linked for your pleasure. I do really recommend you go and follow Tori (and Stormies) adventures via Sick Plugs on Facebook and Instagram. Even just for entertainment purposes.

Other Plugs include; Ghostbusters, Daryl Dixon, Breaking Bad, Little Mirmaid, Wood-effect, Stainless steel, glow in the dark, VW logo, Glitter, Mario, Zelda, Storm troopers, Finding Nemo... these are all just what i can remember off the top of my head. There was...maybe...perhaps...a slight...very brief mention... of some FROZEN plugs which literally were revealed yesterday!....
For now i suggest you go to Sick Plugs and shop your heart out! There are some amazing plugs in the £1 sale section so GO GO GO!!!
ALSO Exream Largness will be selling Sick Plug items at DOWNLOAD this weekend so dont miss out on that! If you're reading this on your phone in your tent get off your butt and go support an awesome UK company!
Get sharing your images and get involved on their Facebook Page. Following Sick Plugs will be a great addition to your FB wall, your Instagram feed and to your ears that you wont regret!
Also ladles and jellyspoons don't forget to follow me on my Facebook page or over on my Instagram for future competitions and prizes i have coming up!
*Note; I was not approached by Sick Plugs to write this, this is my OWN review, my OWN opinion and my OWN money i used to buy the plugs. All prices and sizes correct at the time of publishing.