It's always how I've judged when it's officially holiday season, usually people post a Facebook status saying they've just seen the ad...but it's not real until i have seen it. Granted this year the first time i saw it was in the Cinema last week when i went to see Thor. (Omnom).
Anyway. This year seems as i actually don't have any gifts...and i mean REALLY, i don't have any presents at all as we have lacked the money and the time to get any, i have been given money for Christmas and i shall be getting my tattoo finished and up to date... finally! I'm also renting a stall at my local Christmas Fair this Saturday. Having forgotten this little nugget of information until last week I've been glued to my sewing matching making all manner of cute little Christmas decorations. I restored some sequins onto and old vintage bag and i customised a clutch, I've still got more to make and luckily I've enlisted the help of a friend to run the stall, she'll be adding cakes and various other NOM to stall.

I'm really excited about it. Also 400 views in one day!!! WHOOP. I didn't realise i was so interesting. But i'm not complaining, keep it coming! I'm planning on getting back to where i was. I've missed far too many Blogger meet ups and parties to not get back into the swing of things. I AM getting a camera sorted out so i can start doing v-logs again too, but i shall not be neglecting you my intelligent blog-reading friends! I'm going to try and get into the habit of one post a week on each. :) So keep your eyes peeled my little clementines....
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