This was my Hair with the bleached patch turned Silver using the Colour Freedom Silver at home Dye. It lasted a while but all too soon the yellow undertones from bleaching began to shine through and the idea of having to keep dying my hair with the amount of chemical processes it need and would keep needing just worried me to the core. So i opted to go for a better (slightly) option of going back to a fun colour and a dye that is better for your hair, Ye good olde La Riche Directions.

So i opted for Black/Alpine Green.
Next i enlisted the help of my Little sis and personal colour stylist when i want a big change and am too scared to DIY it. We went to Sallys to get the black as i needed to go for something with cool tones in to counter the reddish/brown on my hair. We opted for a Wella Kolestone in 22/0 (black)
with a 20Vol Developer.
She sparingly and for as little time as possible, lifted (with bleach) parts of my hair needed to be lightened for the green, then painted around the foils with the Black colour.
Once that was rinsed off we went back over the bleached areas with the directions Alpine Green, as it needed to be applied on wet/damp hair and covered all of the lightened areas and left to develop for 30min or so, not that it needs that long. Usually on the packaging it recommends 15 min, especially on damaged hair, which mine definitely is now.
The End results were freakin' beyond my expectations, with minimal damage too (there were a few breakages but nothing dramatic). And as we all know from previous posts...green is a horrible colour to get out of your hair...so i know i wont need to keep on top of it that often...other than my root re-growth. So it'll give my hair the much needed rest it deserves.